Can Democrats Keep A Winning Coalition Together In 2024?

The tool that Democrats have used for many decades to drive voter loyalty and Election Day turnout is both simple and direct: Tell as many Americans (and now non-Americans too) that they are victims who are being cruelly oppressed, and their only safety is to be found in the loving arms of an expensive and expansive government that will punish and silence their oppressors while showering them with cash.

It really is that simple, and convincing as many voters as possible that they are victims of crimes committed by their country—while labeling, re-labeling, and libeling their fellow citizens—has been astonishingly effective. The perpetually aggrieved and insulted prefer to blame others for their own failures and shortcomings, and Democrats have been amazingly inventive at discovering new injustices.

Flunked out of college? Institutional racism! No one wants to date you? Toxic masculinity! Your father thinks you’re a loser? Unforgiving patriarchy? Fired from your job? Wretched capitalism! People not cool with your sexuality? Heteronormative bigotry! Lonely and miserable? Must be global warming!

It goes on, and on, and on. The lucrative careers of many left-wing politicians, academics, and commentators are built on assuring voters, students, and listeners that their problems and failures are not their fault—and someone else is to blame.

However, if recent polling data is to believed, the many and sundry grievances fomented by the Democrats as an explicit foundation of their electoral strategy are colliding in ways they did not imagine and cancelling out their hoped-for boost in the 2024 elections—and beyond.

Keeping Americans riled up in an age of intrusive technology is far too easy. One need only blare alarms at maximum volume 24 hours each day, which is surprisingly easy, and media gurus know just which buttons to push to activate our panic and shut off our critical thinking skills. Terrified people are easy to manipulate, as we all learned during the Covid-19 lockdowns, shutdowns, and forced vaccinations that robbed us of our most precious American and human rights.

The problem that is today arising—and terrifying Democrats this election year—is that all the different constituencies they will need to win are proving hard to move as a single, obedient herd. If you have only one thing you hate, it is possible to get an army to line up behind you; if you hate a thousand things, everyone is going to go their own way.

For example, contrary to Democratic Party dogma that presumes grievances always pull their constituencies together, it turns out that significant percentages of America’s Black and Hispanic voters are not on board for abortion on demand and encouraging transgenderism amongst children. In addition, both of these voter blocs are unhappy with the massive influx of illegal immigrants that are straining social services and often ruining the peace and stability of their neighborhoods. 

In addition, many Black and Hispanic voters, who are presumed to be eternally reliable Democrats, are right in line with Republican and Independent voters who are fed up with the Biden administration’s reckless spending that is turbocharging our continuing price inflation and pushing so many households to despair today. 

It also turns out that the only people who are wholly in favor of defunding the police and promoting uncontrolled crime are America’s shoplifters, muggers, and burglars, who are not a reliable or relatable group of voters, and even the staunchly liberal White urbanites, who are fanatically loyal to the Democratic Party because they never met an abortion they didn’t like, are growing weary with dodging bullets in our nation’s dystopian cities.

The strength of Donald Trump’s three quests for the White House has always been that he sticks to a single theme that resonates with a broad spectrum of Americans who are struggling and frustrated: America is being destroyed from within by those who hate our country, freedoms, history, and people. One may not agree with this or like the manner of the message, but it achieves a clarity of purpose that Democrats can only envy as they attempt to placate a wide variety of disparate interest groups. 

It turns out that independent thinking, patriotism, and traditional values are proving stubbornly difficult to extinguish with even the most sophisticated propaganda and heavy-handed censorship, and Democrats are in panic mode as they enter the 2024 election cycle with a frail President and deeply-unpopular Vice President at the top of their ticket. Their electoral successes in 2024 will depend solely on how effective they are at convincing disaffected Democrats to vote against their own best interests and values in order to avoid losing the power to continue to hand out gobs of cash to favored groups—and silence anyone who dares complain.

This is the challenge Democrats will face as they work to frighten their voters in the tough months ahead.